Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Clothing Company Model

If it's cool with Skyline, I'll be heading across the pond possibly next weekend to Essex, England for an interview and pre-shoot with a clothing company. I can't say the name of just yet but this is huge! An awesome jump in my modeling career. I can't wait. This company looks really cool and perfect for me!

Time for a crazy/happy face!

One more song to sing on tomorrow then a listening party and then the refinements will be made by the production crew, me included. Record is sounding so good! I can't wait to get it out there for the fans and listeners!

Worked today at the office and mostly just ran around like a crazy person because two of the printers that I print a lot of my finished work to were not working. I spent a lot of time with the IT guy who I believe has had a crush on me for at least as long as I've been Bree so probably the whole time he's worked here in this timeline. He's nice and all but... Just not into him and his gender. lol!

At home chillin' now and about to watch Empire Strikes Back. (Really hoping Tonya calls to hang out...)


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